
Healthy Habits for Busy Moms with Heather Kirwan

November 3, 2022

Why, as busy moms, do we often let our health habits go out the window? We prioritize our family. We think it needs to be perfect or not at all. Our guest today, Heather Kirwan, says this is NOT the path to true self-care. Heather is a new mom of three, a Physician Assistant, and pilot wife living in Southern California.

She was really struggling with the demands of motherhood and put herself last on the priority list. Once she started building simple self-care habits, adjusting her mindset, and asking for support, she saw a huge change in her energy and confidence. 

She started Habit Maker Mama as a way to provide busy moms a community with tools and support to build healthy self-care habits so they can be the moms they want to be.

In today’s episode, we discuss…

  • How, as moms, we often lose our best healthy habits once we have children
  • The outside pressures to be a “perfect mom”
  • Why we prioritize things we “need to do” over what makes us feel good and energized
  • Negative perceptions of self-care in the media
  • The six buckets of self-care from the book Mama, You are Enough
  • How to actually put small healthy habits into place
  • The pressure we put on our habits to be perfect (ie. 100%) instead of good enough
  • Some of Heather’s favorite healthy habits and self-care techniques and faves from her clients
  • Low-pressure ways to look at self-care
  • How you can start if you are really far from the healthy habits you want to build
  • The enemy of the “perfect plan”
  • Allowing yourself to focus on what you would actually enjoy

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Show Notes

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #93 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Before we get started today, I want to make sure that you have seen my new free masterclass for busy moms. Does your morning feel stressful instead of calm, happy and productive? In this brand new Master Your Morning Masterclass for Moms you will learn the #1 secret to a morning you love, why your morning isn’t working even though you are following all the “morning rules,” and the top three ways real moms make their morning madness minimal! Sign up at secretsofsupermom.com/morning or the link in the show notes! And make sure to sign up so you get the limited-time replay if you can’t make it live!

Master Your Morning Routine Masterclass for Busy Moms

Why, as busy moms, do we often let our health habits go out the window? We prioritize our family. We think it needs to be perfect or not at all. We think taking care of ourselves has to be big or lavish or take a lot of time.

Our guest today, Heather Kirwan, says this is NOT the path to true self-care and building back those healthy habits. Heather is a new mom of three (she’s pregnant in our interview but has since had a sweet baby girl), a Physician Assistant, and pilot wife living in Southern California.

She was really struggling with the demands of motherhood and put herself last on the priority list. Once she started building simple self-care habits, adjusting her mindset, and asking for support, she saw a huge change in her energy and confidence. 

She started Habit Maker Mama as a way to provide busy moms a community with tools and support to build healthy self-care habits so they can be the moms they want to be. 

You might recognize Heather from The Supermom Summit back in just, but if not I am thrilled to introduce you to Heather!

Healthy Habits for Busy Moms with Heather Kirwan

Healthy Habits for Busy Moms

Today we discuss…

  • How, as moms, we often lose our best healthy habits once we have children
  • The outside pressures to be a “perfect mom”
  • Why we prioritize things we “need to do” over what makes us feel good and energized
  • Negative perceptions of self-care in the media
  • The six buckets of self-care from the book Mama, You are Enough
  • How to actually put small healthy habits into place
  • The pressure we put on our habits to be perfect (ie. 100%) instead of good enough
  • Some of Heather’s favorite healthy habits and self-care techniques and faves from her clients
  • Low-pressure ways to look at self-care
  • How you can start if you are really far from the healthy habits you want to build
  • The enemy of the “perfect plan”
  • Allowing yourself to focus on what you would actually enjoy

Are you interested in finding out more about Heather Kirwan and Habit Maker Mama?


Heather Kirwan on Instagram

For moms who are ready to jump-start their journey to building healthy self-care habits, try the free 5-day ‘Prioritize Yourself Challenge’ found at habitmakermama.com/prioritizeyourselfchallenge