The Secrets of Supermom Show: The First Episode!

April 29, 2021

In the first episode of the new podcast, The Secrets of Supermom Show, I share what to expect from the podcast moving forward!

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Show Notes and Transcript

Hey, hey, friend, and I cannot believe we are finally here. Welcome to the very first episode of The Secrets of Supermom Show! I am so glad you decided to join us! If we have not had the pleasure of meeting, I am Lori, and today we are going to have a very short show to talk about what in the world you can expect from this podcast moving forward. If you are here with me from the very beginning, first I am ever so grateful, and second I know you want to know if you should add this podcast to your list of subscriptions. Is this something that will make an impact in your life week to week? Will it make your life better? Will it make you happier, more organized, or a better mom? And if you find me down the road, chances are you will come back to listen to this very episode to find out if this show is for you. So, let’s get to it! 

You are in the right place if you are a mom, if you are a busy mom, if you are a struggling mom, or if you are a supermom. You are in the right place if you are a step-mom, a future mom, a mom who wants more, a mom who wants to do less. You are in the right place if you have dreams of an amazing career or side hustle or business or project, but you don’t want to sacrifice being present and engaged with your family. You are in the right place.

The six things you can expect from this show, in no particular order, are:

Time management and productivity strategies for even the busiest mom. 

When I wrote the book Secrets of Supermom, I interviewed nearly 200 moms and their biggest struggle was time. We want to do more in less time. We want to have more free time and more time for fun. We are constantly saying we “don’t have enough time to…whatever”. We will talk about easy tips to get back the time you feel like you are losing every day. We will talk about easy ways to be more productive. And we will talk about taking a good hard look at what is on your list to make sure it deserves your time in the first place.

Secrets that can help you find engagement in your life.

How many times have you said you want a work-life balance? You want to feel more balanced. You just can seem to balance everything. Can you guess the second biggest struggle for moms in my survey? Balance. So, in this show, we are going to talk about what that means. What is balance, exactly? How do you get it? Is it even possible? And if it isn’t possible, what is even better? (Hint…it’s engagement, and we are going to talk so much more about it.)

The secret to being a happier and more present mom.

Can you imagine what your day would feel like if you weren’t constantly feeling guilty about everything? Can you imagine what it would feel like to just be in the moment and be happy? When is the last time you felt that way? Even if it was recent, did it feel fleeting? In this show, we are going to talk about how to consistently feel more present. We are going to talk about how to be happier in all areas of life. 

At least one tangible takeaway–I like to call it “one small step”–that you can use immediately to make your life better, easier, or happier. 

I want you to walk away from every single episode with something you can use right away. Maybe it is a strategy to make life easier, a mom hack, or a checklist or printable. Maybe it is a way of doing things that you haven’t thought of before. It might even be something new from a book, positive psychology research, or one of our guests. And maybe it is a tried and true method that you have known for years but let it go somewhere along the way. My goal for you is to listen in and then be able to go take action right away. 

Guests that are just like you, and also not at all like you.

As a show about supermoms, in all likelihood, most of our guests will be moms. However, the best way for us to learn to be better, smarter, more understanding, less overwhelmed, more patient, and so much more is to learn from moms (and maybe a few dads, too) that are not doing things the way we are doing them. What are those moms doing that we aren’t doing to live a life they love? How did they get off the struggle bus and actually stay off? What are they doing differently that is making all the difference?

Real stories from real moms with real solutions. 

We are going to interview real, successful moms and find out how they do it. How did they beat burnout and how do they avoid overwhelm? We will find out their tips and their tricks. We will listen to their real struggles and find out their real solutions. Because, guess what? There are some pretty phenomenal moms out there, and we can learn from eachother.

So, I hope you’re thinking, “Wow! That sounds great!” because it will be. I hope you are feeling excited and inspired and ready to listen in. Because let me tell you, I am so ready to bring you all of this and more in The Secrets of Supermom Show. 

Now, to officially kick off our show, we are going to start with some of the secrets straight from my book. In Episode #2, learn how you can use habits to build systems that make life easier and less stressful, giving you more time for the big goals and the big dreams. Thanks so much for listening (don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode)! See ya next week! 

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