Podcast Episode 04: The Secret of Morning Routines

May 6, 2021

You have heard a lot about morning routines. Do you have one? Do you even know what it means? Is it really that important?

In today’s episode, we talk about how to use a morning routine to be your absolute best, as a mom and as a human in general. Learn some secret tips to get your morning started right!

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Show Notes and Transcript: The Secret of Morning Routines

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #4 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! Today we are talking about morning routines for moms and The Secret of Morning Routines from the book.

Alright, mama? Be honest. Are you waking up with your kids? And I don’t mean in a snuggles-in-bed, sweet, loving sort of way. I mean are you waiting until there is crying and begging for breakfast and lost shoes and asking for everything imaginable.  Do you wait until you absolutely have to get up before begrudgingly pulling back the covers? Does your day start stressful and rushed? Are you feeling exhausted from the start and ready to climb right back in that bed? If you said, yes, you absolutely need a morning routine. 

When you wake up with your kids, you are already on the wrong side of your day. You need a way to start your day that isn’t drowning in someone else’s needs and instead is focused on setting up yourself for your own awesome day.

Before we dive in, though, I want to say who I am not talking to. If you have a newborn and you are struggling to get any sleep at all, do not try to wake up before the kids. Find another time get this time for you. You sleep until that tiny baby wakes up…because you need to function!

What Exactly are These Morning Routines Everyone is Talking About?

Morning routines are a set of activities you do every day in order to start your day strong. By repeating them regularly—daily—you set them up to become habits that make them easier to maintain. If you listened to Episode #2, The Secrets of Habits, you know that the more you do the same things over and over, the more they become easier, faster, and require less energy. This is 100% the same for a morning routine.

There are plenty of books, blogs, and resources that teach you the exact morning routine you need to succeed. Follow this precise strategy, and you will be wildly successful! Do this exact thing, and you will have the perfect day!

I don’t actually think you need a specific formula at all.

I have things that work wildly well for me. They might work for you, too. But, maybe not. You might need something else.

What I do know is you must start your day before your kids, and you need to do something that will bring you a feeling of mental calm, a burst of energy, and a plan to make the day awesome.  Those three things will set you up to be on fire!

How Long Does My Morning Routine Need to Be?

How long do you have? I like to try to spend 20-30 minutes on my morning routine, not including my workout, and so I wake up super early. If you can do that, awesome. Some people like to give an hour. What if you can only handle waking up five minutes before your kids? Then do that until you can make it longer. I think 20 minutes is completely enough time to get into a solid routine. If you feel like there are things that are really working and you want to make it longer, do it. 

What Should I Do in My Morning Routine for Moms?

Before I tell you how I structure my morning—it is easy, I promise!—let’s talk about some things you might want to include in your routine. If you have the Secrets of Supermom Workbook, on Page 12 and 13 I show you how to assess your current morning and then look at how you want to restructure it to make it more routine. I include this list and more. If you don’t have the SOS Workbook, you can grab that now at www.secretsofsupermom.com/SOSworkbook.

What would make a great start to your day? And I really want you to think about your goal for the start of your day when you think about what you would include? What would make you feel calm and centered? What would give you energy? What would help you be ready to be as productive as you want to be? What would help you feel like you got “me time” in your day before the chaos ensues?

  • Coffee and quiet time
  • A cup of tea
  • Breakfast before anyone else wakes up so you can eat in peace
  • Stretching or yoga
  • A workout, a run, or an exercise class or video
  • Reading a book
  • Meditation
  • Review of your calendar or plan for the day
  • Prayer or reading your religious text of choice
  • Goal setting
  • Reading a magazine
  • Affirmations
  • Quiet time with pets
  • Completing a devotional
  • Journaling or writing in general
  • Planning out your meals for the day
  • Planning your big task of the day
  • Practicing gratitude

It would take far too long to do all of these, so the goal is certainly not to do everything but instead to determine what would really set you up right. Any number of these activities could set your day up to start with mental calm, bodily energy, and a plan for the day.

What Does My Morning Routine Look Like?

For me, I wake up at 4 a.m. My morning routine includes coffee, gratitude, reviewing my goals and exact schedule for the day, journaling, and planning out my meals as my must haves. Once these things are done, I head out for my workout. If I can add in something else, it is a bonus!

The Questions

How Do You Wake Up at 4 a.m.?

I have not always woken up at 4 a.m., but it has come to be progressively earlier and earlier as I have had more kids and since they tend to wake up very early. I had to move my wake up earlier and earlier to beat them. 

The number one way I wake up early is by not wasting time at night. After I put kids to bed, my goal is to be in bed as soon as possible (ideally by 9:30 p.m.). Most often, I hit it. If I don’t, if i have to work or get lost in a project, I am diligent about hitting it the next night. 

Can I Do My Morning Routine at Night?

I have a lot of moms tell me, “I am not a morning person.” I get that. So, I AM a morning person, but if i flip this around and think about having to do this same routine at 10 p.m., I would feel it to be impossible. 

I really think this depends on your goal of the routine. For me, it is setting the day up for success, having alone time, and increasing my energy and focus. If your goal is solely valuable time alone (instead of wasted time alone scrolling social media, watching TV shows you don’t actually like that much, or drinking too much), you could set this up for any time of day. Lunch break, naptime, or after the kids go to bed totally works too. For me, the goal means it really needs to be in the morning.

I know a number of super successful moms that actually have both. They plan their next day, journal, and do yoga or medidate before bed to wind down, and do high energy activities in the morning like coffee or a workout.

Wrapping it All Up

The goal of any change to your routine, particularly a morning routine for moms, is to be more intentional with your time and more intentional with your day. Are you tired of days that go by without knowing what happened? Are you tired of days that feel like you got nothing done? No more!

Alright, friends! I love to hear what works for other moms, so send me a DM or put a comment below about your own personal morning routine especially if you are just trying something new. See you next week!