The Enemies of Productivity [Part 4]

April 11, 2022

Do you want to be more productive, have more flexible time, and hit big goals? I think most of us want this. We want to be smart with our time. We want to banish terrible time wasters. We want to feel like we are making strides forward. 

You might have heard me say this before but it bears repeating. 

“Productivity is not a recipe for busy, it is a recipe for freedom.”

The point is not to simply do more. The point is to do the right things better, smarter, and faster so you can have the freedom to do as you please. To take time for you. To reach a big goal. To relax. To enjoy. To thrive. 

To be more productive, to get more done in less time so you have the freedom we all crave, there are some clear strategies you can put in place. And there are also some mistakes that I bet you are making that are getting in your way.

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How to Be More Productive | The Enemies of Productivity

Show Notes: Five Mistakes Keeping You From Big Goals

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to episode #63 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! I am thrilled that you are back for the final episode of our special series called “The Enemies of Productivity”. Today is Part 4 of the series, and each day we have built on what we learned in the previous episode. If you missed Part 1, 2, and 3, you can definitely head back and listen to Episodes #60, 61, and 62 and then jump back in for today’s final part of the series.

Do you want to be more productive, have more flexible time, and hit big goals? I think most of us want this. We want to be smart with our time. We want to banish terrible time wasters. We want to feel like we are making strides forward. 

You might have heard me say this before but it bears repeating. 

“Productivity is not a recipe for busy, it is a recipe for freedom.”

The point is not to simply do more. The point is to do the right things better, smarter, and faster so you can have the freedom to do as you please. To take time for you. To reach a big goal. To relax. To enjoy. To thrive. 

To be more productive, to get more done in less time so you have the freedom we all crave, there are some clear strategies you can put in place. And there are also some mistakes that I bet you are making that are getting in your way. 

Mistake #1: You are waiting for motivation to strike hot.

Have you heard yourself say, “I just don’t feel motivated today.” Join the club. No one feels motivated every single day. The difference between those that are productive and those that are not is not motivation. It is simply getting started. You can start small but you have to start. 

Mistake #2: You don’t have a plan.

Remember yesterday when we talked about tracking your time to see what you do each day, all day long. How much of that is planned? How much of your day was intentional versus just sort of happening to you. Without a map, you can’t get to a destination. I am not telling you to plan out every minute of every day, but a plan helps you actually hit your target, even if it is just some kid-free hours at Target. 

Mistake #3: You go big or go home. 

Some days you wake up raring to go. You have all the plans and all the strategies and you are READY. You own this day. And…then something happens to throw you off. A kid gets sick and sent home from school. Your boss changes the project plan at the last minute. A client calls and is raving mad. You get in a fight with your partner. 

So you…throw in the towel. You “go home” so to speak. You give up the whole plan. Instead of treating a snag in your day as a detour, you let it end your day altogether. 

Mistake #4: You have no wiggle room. 

Alright, my intentional, strategic planners. I am talking to you right now. When I said “you don’t have a plan” you thought, “Oh, no! That is not me! I plan everything!” But then you might have been thinking to yourself, “Since I do plan everything, why am I not getting more done? Why don’t I actually feel productive?”

When you plan every single minute, you are actually making two mistakes. One. You have no buffer if something does go wrong like that sick child or change in plans. Two. I am willing to bet you are filling your calendar with everything and not necessarily the right things. It doesn’t feel like you are getting things done because they are just tasks, not the right tasks toward the big goals, not the tasks that make you feel like you are moving the needle. 

Mistake #5: You try to do it all.

Well isn’t that an unexpected twist? By trying to do it all, you are actually less productive? Yep, I said it. When you are doing all the things, nothing is moving you significantly toward your goals. When you can set boundaries, figure out what is really important, ask for help, and say no, you can actually have the space and time to be productive toward your big goals. 

Well, there you have it. Five mistakes that are tanking your productivity and keeping you from those big goals. 

I am just so thrilled that you decided to join us for this 4-part series on The Enemies of Productivity and hope you learned a little about where terrible time wasters, not being intentional, or some of those big mistakes are getting in your way.

If you are joining us in real-time for this series, I want to invite you to join me for a special masterclass that starts tomorrow April 12th (and there are actually three options to join). If you want to really get more done in your day and feel your most productive, you are going to love this class. While others might simply learn to recognize the enemies of their productivity, you want to learn how to destroy them once and for all. You want to conquer those enemies and thrive every single day.

Join us for my newest masterclass called “How to Be Productive Every Day” at In this masterclass, you’ll learn the number one mistake keeping you from getting more done and reaching your big goals, how to identify your personal enemies of productivity and actually destroy them, and ten productivity hacks you can use today to find an hour in your day to use as you please. I think we can all feel good about that!

This masterclass is full of real examples from real moms and easy step-by-step processes you can try right away. Head to to sign up and get ready to conquer those enemies once and for all!

How to Be More Productive | The Enemies of Productivity