Sustainable Self Care for Moms with Morgan Seaman | Podcast Episode #18

August 12, 2021

Do you think self-care for moms is all massages and bubble baths? Do you think you need an hour for self-care or it just isn’t worth the effort? Our guest today says, “No way!”

Morgan Seaman, master certified life coach for high-performing corporate moms, joins us today to talk about all things sustainable self-care. Listen in to learn how to apply self-care in even just three minutes and how to avoid the “should storm” of motherhood.

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Show Notes

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #18 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

I am thrilled to be starting interviews with so many amazing supermoms and am grateful to be starting with someone just amazing. 

Morgan Seaman is a master certified life coach and helps high-performing corporate moms who feel torn between the responsibilities of motherhood and career, make decisions from a place of confidence, and start feeling empowered again.

Today, we are digging into all things sustainable self-care for moms. 

  • What is sustainable self-care for moms (06:27)
  • What self-care really isn’t (06:45)
  • How to make sure you are caring for yourself every day even in less than five minutes–yep, THREE minutes is all you need (09:45)
  • Where busy moms tend to really struggle with self-care (13:20)
  • How Morgan’s life was changed by applying self-care consistently (17:35)
  • Avoiding the “should storm” that moms get stuck inside (18:50)
  • And stick around until the end to hear about her free challenge that I know you are going to love!

Before we get to the interview today, I must tell you that, if you are listening in real-time, the doors close for my new program, The Supermom System, TONIGHT. That’s right, tonight. So if you have been on the fence about it, it’s time. If you are looking for purposeful happiness, alignment in your work and with your family, with accountability built right in, join us. Head to to check it out.

Interested in finding out more about Morgan, booking her to speak, or joining her sustainable self-care challenge? You can find her…


IG Handle: @ThisEmpoweredMom

LinkedIn: Morgan Seaman

Facebook: This Empowered Mom

Sustainable Self Care for Moms