
Reflecting and Reassessing: Back to School Made Easy | Part 4

August 15, 2024

As busy working moms, we know how challenging the back-to-school season can be. That is why I am so excited to share this 4-part series focusing on back to school…made easy!

If you missed the first three episodes in the series, head back to:

Today we dive into reflecting and reassessing family schedules after school has begun!

We discuss… 

  • Why reflecting and reassessing family schedules matters
  • How to reflect on what is working for your family
  • Identifying problem areas in your schedule
  • Strategic adjustments you can make to ease stress and build energy
  • Involving your entire family in schedule decisions
  • Using regular check ins to create the life you want

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Show Notes: Reflecting and Reassessing

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #197 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

As busy working moms, we know how challenging the back-to-school season can be. That is why I am so excited to share this 4-part series focusing on back to school…made easy!

If you missed the first three parts of this series, head back to Episode 194 , Episode 195 and Episode 196 where we dig into stress-free mornings, organized family schedules, and after school routines. 

Now that you have thought about your morning, your afterschool time and evening, and optimized your family calendar and schedule, everything should be perfect, right?!? Wrong. 

Let’s talk about why it is so important to reflect and reassess your routine after you kick off the back to school period.

Reflecting and Reassessing for Back to School Made Easy

As the school year progresses, it’s important to take a step back and evaluate how things are going. Are your routines working smoothly? Is your family feeling balanced and stress-free? Is anyone prone to daily meltdowns, are there times of the week where you find yourself saying, “Hurry, hurry, HURRY!” more than you would like? Reflecting and reassessing your schedule allows you to make necessary adjustments and ensure that your family is on the right track. In this episode, we’ll explore strategies for effectively reassessing your schedule to keep your schedule as seamless as possible now that school has begun.

Why Reassessing Your Schedule Matters

Reassessing your schedule is a vital part of maintaining a healthy balance in your family’s life. As the school year unfolds, new challenges and opportunities may arise that require adjustments to your daily routines. By regularly reflecting on what’s working and what isn’t, you can make informed decisions that help reduce stress, increase productivity, and ensure that your family’s needs are being met.

Reflect on What’s Working

The first step in reassessing your schedule is to reflect on what’s going well. Celebrate the successes and identify the routines and practices that have been effective.

Identify Successes

Take time to review your current routines and schedules. Which aspects are running smoothly? For example, maybe your morning routine is efficient, or your after-school homework time is consistently productive. Identifying these successes allows you to maintain these positive habits as you move forward.

Acknowledge Small Wins

Sometimes, it’s the small wins that make a big difference. Perhaps your child is consistently getting their homework done on time, or your family has managed to have dinner together most nights. Acknowledging these small successes can boost morale even when some of your schedule might not be working as intended. Instead of feeling like a “hot mess mom” you can feel like you are improving day by day.

Time for Family Feedback

Get input from all family members to gain a complete picture of what’s working. Ask your children how they feel about their routines, and check in with your partner to see if there are areas they think could be improved. Open communication ensures that everyone’s voice is heard and considered.

Identify Areas for Improvement

Once you’ve reflected on what’s working, it’s time to identify the areas that need adjustment. This step is crucial for reassessing your schedule and making meaningful changes.

Look for Stress Points

Consider any parts of the day that consistently feel stressful or chaotic. Are mornings rushed? Is homework time a struggle? Pinpointing these stress points helps you focus on where changes are most needed.

Evaluate Time Management

Assess how well your family is managing their time. Are there any activities or routines that feel too rushed or overly drawn out? For example, if you’re finding that there’s never enough time for family dinners, it might be time to reconsider how your evenings are structured.

Evaluate Energy Management

Are there times of the week that everyone seems to be simply exhausted? Can you find days of the week or parts of the day where your own energy seems zapped? For example, maybe by the time dinner rolls around, you can’t even think about prepping it, even when you have a clear plan in place.

Assess Work-Life Balance

Reflect on the balance between work, school, extracurricular activities, and family time. Are you spending too much time on work or school-related tasks at the expense of relaxation and family connection? Reassessing your schedule can help you find a better balance that promotes overall well-being.

Make Strategic Adjustments

After identifying areas for improvement, it’s time to make strategic adjustments to your schedule. These changes should be realistic and focused on creating a smoother, more balanced daily routine.

Tweak Existing Routines

Sometimes, small tweaks can make a big difference. For example, if mornings are chaotic, consider shifting wake-up times earlier or preparing school bags and lunches the night before. If homework time is challenging, try breaking it into shorter, more manageable sessions.

Reprioritize Activities

If your family is feeling overwhelmed by too many commitments, it might be time to reprioritize activities. Consider cutting back on extracurriculars or simplifying your schedule to make room for more downtime and family time. It’s okay to say no to activities that don’t align with your family’s values or goals, or to experiment with fewer activities for a month or quarter.

Introduce New Habits

Introducing new habits can help address problem areas. For example, you might consider a family walk after dinner instead of heading straight to screens or an all-family dinner clean up. New habits take time to develop, so be patient and consistent.

Involve the Whole Family

Reassessing your schedule is a team effort. Involving the whole family ensures that everyone is on board with the changes and feels invested in making them work.

Set Shared Goals

Work together to set shared goals that reflect your family’s priorities. Whether it’s improving morning routines, spending more quality time together, or reducing after-school stress, having shared goals gives everyone something to strive for.

Encourage Accountability

Encourage each family member to take responsibility for their part in the new routine. This could mean setting reminders, creating checklists, or simply being mindful of how their actions impact the rest of the family. Accountability helps keep everyone focused on maintaining the new schedule.

Monitor and Adjust Regularly

Reassessing your schedule isn’t a one-time task. It’s important to continuously monitor how the new routines are working and make further adjustments as needed. In our membership, The Supermom Society, we reassess each week and month so we can consistently make tweaks that allow us to feel the way we want to feel and do the things we want to do.

Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-ins to assess how the new routines are going. Are the changes working as expected? Are there any new challenges that need to be addressed? Do you need to check in with other family members? Regular check-ins allow you to stay on top of potential issues before they become major problems.

Be Flexible

Flexibility is key when reassessing your schedule. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes even the best-laid plans need to be adjusted. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to make changes. Flexibility ensures that your family can adapt to new circumstances and continue to thrive. You can also build in buffer time and white space to make sure one small shift doesnt ruin the entire week.

Celebrate Progress

As you monitor your progress, take time to celebrate the improvements you’ve made. Whether it’s a small victory like smoother mornings or a significant change like a better work-life balance, acknowledging progress keeps everyone motivated and positive.

Embrace Reassessing Your Schedule for Family Success

Reflecting and reassessing your schedule is an essential part of maintaining a balanced and stress-free back-to-school experience. By taking the time to evaluate what’s working, identifying areas for improvement, making strategic adjustments, involving the whole family, and continuously monitoring progress, you can ensure that your family stays on track throughout the school year.

As always, thanks for being here with us on the Secrets of Supermom Show! Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found these tips helpful. Stay tuned next week for our guest Heather Black where we discuss relaunching your career after a pause or a career shift. 

Related Episodes

Mastering Morning Routines: Back to School Made Easy | Part 1

Organizing Family Schedules: Back to School Made Easy | Part 2

After School Routines: Back to School Made Easy | Part 3