
Organizing Family Schedules: Back to School Made Easy | Part 2

August 1, 2024

As busy working moms, we know how challenging the back-to-school season can be. That is why I am so excited to share this 4-part series focusing on back to school…made easy!

If you missed the first part of this series, head back to Episode 194 where we dig into stress-free mornings. When you start your day in chaos, it is often hard to bounce back from that and take on the rest of the day as the person you want to be. 

Today we dive into organizing and optimizing family schedules!

We discuss… 

  • How to create a master family calendar that works for the whole family
  • Evaluating and eliminating commitments to prevent burnout, focusing on activities that align with family values and goals 
  • Automating and delegating tasks: to lighten the load 
  • The importance of consistent routine and how to focus on the right things

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Show Notes: Organized and Optimized Family Schedules

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #195 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

As busy working moms, we know how challenging the back-to-school season can be. That is why I am so excited to share this 4-part series focusing on back to school…made easy!

If you missed Part 1 of this series, head back to Episode 194 where we dig into stress-free mornings. When you start your day in chaos, it is often hard to bounce back from that and take on the rest of the day as the person you want to be. Learn some key tips to master your morning routines. 

Today, we talk all about how to organize and optimize family schedules. If you are a busy family with a full schedule, you do not want to miss this one.

Before we dive into the episode, are you a high achieving woman?

Do you wish there was a better way to achieve your deepest desires in business without feeling the need to constantly hustle? Join host Mindi Huebner (Heebner) on her podcast, Unlock your 24-Karat Success, where she shares all about rewiring your brain and reprograming your subconscious mind. Discover how to release limiting beliefs, shift unhelpful mindsets, and transform your dreams into reality with practical, actionable strategies.

Tune in to Unlock your 24 Karat Success wherever you get your podcasts.

Organizing Family Schedules: Back to School Made Easy

Why Family Schedules Matter

Family schedules are crucial for maintaining order and reducing stress. When everyone knows where they need to be and what they need to do, it creates a sense of stability and predictability. A well-organized family schedule helps balance school, sports and extracurricular activities, work commitments, travel, and family time, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Creating a Master Family Calendar

The first step in optimizing family schedules is to create a master family calendar. This calendar serves as the central hub for all activities and appointments. If you already have a family calendar that is working, great! If not, think about getting this started before back to school begins (but any day is a great day to start!).

Choose the Right Format

My family has used a family calendar since the beginning of time. My mom, the OG Supermom, used a simple 12-month wall calendar that sat on our counter growing up. 

These days we use an app called Cozi, and the kids old enough to have phones also have access. 

Decide whether a physical or digital calendar works best for your family. Digital calendars, like Google Calendar, offer the advantage of easy sharing and updating. Physical calendars, such as wall calendars, planners, whiteboards hanging on the wall, or even printed calendars hung on the fridge provide a visual reminder that everyone can see.

Include All Activities

Ensure that your master calendar includes all school-related events, sports and extracurricular activities, work commitments, vacations, and family obligations.

A comprehensive view allows you to see potential conflicts and manage your time more effectively. You can also color code activities to show each family member their own schedule more clearly.

Prioritizing Activities

With so many potential activities, it’s important to prioritize what’s most important for your family both during the initial back-to-school period and during the year in general. 

Eliminate the Extras

Back to school is always filled with extras…

…extra papers to sign

…extra forms to fill out

…extra supplies to purchase

…extra laundry to do

…and the list goes on!

We know this…and yet we often add in an orthodontist appointment, a mom’s brunch, and a vet visit. In the same week!

Eliminate the extras means, when planning your week, you will strategically and ruthlessly eliminate the extra tasks that don’t have to be done in the first week of school. When we do less, we get to focus and enjoy the tasks of the week since we are not overwhelmed.

Extracurriculars and Your Family Values

If you consistently feel overwhelmed during the school year, it is time to evaluate each activity to determine its value and importance. Consider the time commitment, the benefits to your child’s development, and the impact on family time. Focus on activities that align with your family’s values and goals.

It’s easy to overcommit to extracurricular activities, and too many can lead to burnout and stress. It is important to understand the needs of each member of your family to ensure they each have enough downtime for homework, rest, and fun.

Scheduling Family Time

Don’t forget to schedule regular family time. This could be a weekly game night, a family dinner, or a weekend outing. Prioritizing family time strengthens bonds and provides an opportunity to reconnect amid busy schedules.

Automate and Delegate Tasks

We talk all about automation and delegation from a work perspective, but these tools can significantly ease the burden of managing family schedules during back to school and throughout the year.

Using Technology to Automate

Take advantage of technology to automate routine tasks. Set up reminders for important dates, automate bill payments, and use meal planning apps to simplify grocery shopping and meal prep. Automation saves time and ensures that essential tasks are not forgotten.

Delegating Responsibilities

Assign age-appropriate responsibilities to each family member. Older children can help with chores, such as packing lunches or assisting younger siblings. Delegating tasks lightens your load and teaches children valuable life skills.

The Magic of Routines

Consistent routines help create a sense of order and predictability reducing stress, power struggles, and overwhelm for the entire family. In fact, routines are so important that we dedicated the whole first episode in this series to morning routines, and next week we dig deep into after-school routines.

Morning Routines

A well-structured morning routine sets a positive tone for the day. Head back to Episode 194 for a deep dive into mornings and how to eliminate the chaos. 

After-School Routines

Stay tuned next week as we dig deeper into after-school routines!

Expert Tips for Managing Family Schedules

Embrace Flexibility

While a well-organized schedule is important, it’s also crucial to remain flexible. Unexpected events and changes are inevitable. When we plan our week inside The Supermom Society we actually plan for the unexpected. This allows us to be prepared to adjust plans as needed. Flexibility reduces stress and allows for a more adaptable approach to managing family schedules.

Plan Ahead

Weekly planning is key to staying on top of family schedules. At the start of each week, review the upcoming activities and make any necessary preparations. This proactive approach helps prevent last-minute scrambles and ensures that you’re ready for the week ahead. It is the most critical part of our planning process!

Self-Care for Parents

Don’t forget to include self-care in your family schedule. As a busy parent, it’s easy to neglect your own needs, but self-care is essential for maintaining your well-being. Schedule regular time for activities that help you relax and recharge, whether it’s a workout, a hobby, or quiet time alone.

Embrace an Organized Family Schedule

Optimizing family schedules for back-to-school season requires careful planning, prioritization, and communication. By creating a master family calendar, prioritizing activities, automating tasks, establishing consistent routines, and maintaining clear communication, you can ensure that your family stays organized and stress-free.

Thank you for joining us on the Secrets of Supermom Show! In our next episode, we’ll dive into mastering after-school routines to keep your children productive and happy. Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found these tips helpful. Until next time, keep being the amazing supermoms you are!

Related Episodes

Mastering Morning Routines: Back to School Made Easy | Part 1

After School Routines: Back to School Made Easy | Part 3

Reflecting and Reassessing: Back to School Made Easy | Part 4