[Monday Momentum] How to Plan Your Best Summer Ever

May 22, 2023

Are you ready for your best summer ever? 

Today, in this quick Monday Momentum episode, we talk about some key questions to ask yourself to make sure this is a summer to remember.

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Show Notes

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #125 of The Secrets of Supermom Show and Monday Momentum for May. Every Monday for the month of May I am sharing a tip, a strategy, or a mindset that will help you get more of the right things done, be more productive, have better personal boundaries, be more efficient, and just simply start your Monday off with a bang.

You get to look forward to not only an amazing guest every week on Thursday, but more chats with me on Monday, too.

Last year, I hosted a live, in-person training called How to Plan Your Best Summer Ever and it was a total hit. Since most of you are not local to me, I thought this year I would share some key questions to ask yourself this year to make sure you have your best summer yet!

Questions to Think About When Planning Your Best Summer Ever

  • What are some things you loved about summers in your past, whether 20 years ago or just last year?
  • What did you HAVE to do and GET to do last summer?
  • What was something that didn’t work in previous summers? (Too many things planned, too few things planned. something else?)
  • What is something you NEVER want to do again during the summer?
  • Who do you want to BE this summer? Who do you want your family to be? (Calm, connected, patient, energized, adventurous?)
  • How do you want to FEEL as you start the summer?
  • What are your priorities/family values for this summer?
  • Do you have a summer focus (family time, health, reading, travel, education, independence)?
  • How do you want to feel at the end of the summer?

Now, what would make this the “best summer ever”? Brainstorm all the things that you would love to do this summer based on your previous answers.

Finally, it’s time to take a look at your summer calendar and map out the fun! Circle the things you are going to include from your brainstorm and put them on the actual calendar.

Alright, friend, let’s make it a Monday!