
Mastering Morning Routines: Back to School Made Easy | Part 1

July 25, 2024

As busy working moms, we know how challenging the back-to-school season can be. That is why I am so excited to kick off a 4-part series focusing on back to school…made easy…and how to create stress-free mornings!

But, if you do not have school or high school-age kids, I don’t want you to automatically write this episode off. Many of these tips can be used for any time you have a significant change in schedule like a new job, moving homes, or becoming a caretaker. 

We are going to start off with morning routines, because we know how hectic this time of day can be. When you start your day in chaos, it is often hard to bounce back from that and take on the rest of the day as the person you want to be. 

Today we discuss… 

  • Why calm mornings actually start the night before
  • How to use checklists to keep you and the kids on track
  • Getting the entire family on board to ensure stress-free mornings benefit everyone

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Show Notes: Stress-Free Mornings

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #194 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

As busy working moms, we know how challenging the back-to-school season can be. That is why I am so excited to kick off a 4-part series focusing on back to school…made easy!

But, if you do not have school or high school-age kids, I don’t want you to automatically write this episode off. Many of these tips can be used for any time you have a significant change in schedule like a new job, moving homes, or becoming a caretaker. 

We are going to start off with morning routines, because we know how hectic this time of day can be. When you start your day in chaos, it is often hard to bounce back from that and take on the rest of the day as the person you want to be. 

We believe so strongly in morning routines, we also talked about them in Episode 4, Episode 123, and Episode 136 with special guest Kate House

Before we dive into the episode, are you a high achieving woman?

Do you wish there was a better way to achieve your deepest desires in business without feeling the need to constantly hustle? Join host Mindi Huebner (Heebner) on her podcast, Unlock your 24-Karat Success, where she shares all about rewiring your brain and reprograming your subconscious mind. Discover how to release limiting beliefs, shift unhelpful mindsets, and transform your dreams into reality with practical, actionable strategies.

Tune in to Unlock your 24 Karat Success wherever you get your podcasts.

Mastering Morning Routines for Stress Free Mornings: Back to School Made Easy

Why Stress-Free Mornings Matter

Starting your day with chaos can set a negative tone for the rest of the day, for both you and your kids. Stress-free mornings help you and your family feel more in control, focused, and ready to tackle the day ahead in a calm way. 

It would be amazing if you are lucky enough to have a family filled with morning larks. Unfortunately, most of us have either a combination of those that are morning-people and those who are NOT morning-people or a whole family of night owls that struggle through the morning. This makes stress-free mornings even more important. 

Do you start every morning with at a different time with different activities? Sometimes you make lunches in the morning. Sometimes you don’t. Sometimes the kids shower at night. Sometimes they shower in the morning. Sometimes you do a gratitude practice and sit quietly with tea for 5 minutes. Sometimes you push snooze 3 times and run around like a chicken with your head cut off. 

For you and your children, consistency is key.

When you are consistent but flexible…

…you allow you and your family to get into a habit which makes EVERYTHING take less thought and effort.

…you allow your children to know what to expect, resulting in fewer meltdowns and arguments. 

…you can better figure out what is working and what is NOT working.

Calm Mornings Start the Night Before

Evening prep can be a game-changer for busy moms. When you make this a family habit by involving your kids in the process, it teaches them responsibility and helps lighten your load.

Set Out Clothes the Night Before

Choosing outfits can be a time-consuming task, especially if you have young children who are picky about what they wear or kids that like a slow-moving morning. Simplify your mornings by setting out clothes the night before and don’t forget shoes, socks, hats, and jackets. This small habit can save valuable time and reduce decision fatigue in the morning. 

You can even set out things like jewelry, accessories, toiletries, and anything else that will help the morning run like clockwork.

Simplify Meals

A healthy breakfast is essential, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Opt for quick and nutritious options like overnight oats, smoothies, or pre-made breakfast sandwiches. Preparing these meals in advance ensures that everyone gets a good start without the morning rush. You can even set out bowls, spoons, cups, and any other serviceware you need so you have as few steps in the morning as possible.

If your child brings lunch or snack, a water bottle, or snacks to school, these can also be prepped the night before so everyone is ready to simply grab and go. 

Organize Supplies

Ensure that all school supplies, backpacks, briefcases, and activity bags are organized and ready to go the night before. Create a designated space where everything is kept, so there’s no last-minute scramble to find missing items. 

Do you have to leave for dance or football practice right after school? Ensure those bags are packed, too, so the afternoon can be as stress-free as the morning. 

Is there paperwork to fill out or forms to sign? Again, having these done the night before eliminates any extra work in what is already a busy time of day.

Sleep for Everyone

Consistent bedtimes and wake-up times are recommended consistently in the research to ensure that children and parents get enough sleep and wake up refreshed. If you are coasting by on five hours of sleep, it is going to be really hard to show up as the calm, patient, happy parent that you want to be in the morning.

The Magic of Checklists

Checklists are powerful tools that can help keep everyone on track and ensure that nothing is forgotten. 

Why Checklists Work

  • They are a visual representation which is more effective for most children than audio only (being told what to do).
  • They allow for independence and responsibility.
  • They allow our kids to remember what they want/need to do.
  • They allow them to see progress.
  • They show achievement!

Create a Morning Checklist

Develop a morning checklist that includes all the tasks your children need to complete before leaving for school. This can include making beds, brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and grabbing a lunch, water bottle, or backpack. Place the checklist in a visible location where your kids can easily see and follow it.

Use Visual Checklists for Younger Kids

For younger children who may not be able to read yet, create visual checklists with pictures representing each task. This makes the process fun and engaging, helping them develop independence and responsibility.

Incorporate Rewards

To motivate your children to follow their checklists, consider incorporating a reward system. For example, they can earn stickers or points for completing tasks on time, which can be exchanged for a small treat or privilege.

Involve the Whole Family

Do you feel like the success or failure of the day is on your shoulders? As busy moms, we put a massive amount of pressure on ourselves to make sure everything runs like clockwork. 

Instead, we are going to use the “teamwork makes the dream work” mentality.

Assign Responsibilities

Assign age-appropriate tasks to each family member. For example, older children can help younger siblings get ready or assist with preparing breakfast. Sharing responsibilities lightens your load and teaches your children valuable life skills.

Communicate Clearly

Ensure that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities in the morning routine. Clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and help things run more smoothly. 

Embrace Stress-Free Mornings

By implementing these tips and strategies, you can transform your mornings from chaotic to calm. Streamline your routine by eliminating unnecessary tasks in the morning by preparing the night before, using checklists to keep everyone on track and eliminate decisions, and involve the whole family in the process.

Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll tackle organizing family schedules to keep everyone in sync. Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you found these tips helpful. See you soon, supermom!

Related Episodes

Optimizing Family Schedules: Back to School Made Easy | Part 2

After School Routines: Back to School Made Easy | Part 3

Reflecting and Reassessing: Back to School Made Easy | Part 4