Life Work Harmony with Karin Freeland

May 4, 2023

Our guest today shares her journey to life work harmony through corporate overwork and overwhelm. Karin Freeland, is a wife, mom of two boys, and recovered corporate workaholic. After 15 years in high-pressure leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies, she’s reinvented her life. Karin is an author, speaker, and certified Life Reinvention Coach.

In today’s episode, we discuss…

  • Karin’s journey through corporate to reinvention
  • Working until past midnight, bragging about who works more, and having a phone glued to your hand
  • The realization that she was the reason things felt like they were failing
  • The end-of-life moment that rocked Karin’s world
  • Re-finding her memoir and using it as a springboard to her next life goal
  • The concept of life-work harmony whether you are a corporate mom or an entrepreneur
  • Small habits that lead to big change
  • Asking yourself what your life could look like
  • Determining if you are on a path that you want or if you are on a path someone else thinks is a good fit
  • Setting a regular journaling date with yourself
  • Knowing what you can control and focusing on that power
  • The importance of open communication in your family
  • Getting rid of the idea of a “perfect mom”
  • Setting a good example when we set clear boundaries

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Show Notes: Life Work Harmony

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #120 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Do you believe work-life balance is simply not possible with the load you carry? 

I see you.

You are spending late nights and early mornings just trying to catch up. 

Your to-do list feels like it gets longer by the minute.

You have your laptop with you wherever you go. 

You constantly feel exhausted and drained even after the occasional good night’s sleep–if you can even squeeze in one.

You feel under pressure every day, even when you “should” be relaxing.

What if I told you there was a better way?

What if I told you that you didn’t have to choose home over work or trade one for the other?

What if there was a completely different way you could look at work-life balance that actually worked?

If you found yourself nodding along, I personally invite you to register for my free workshop where I unlock the secrets to help you achieve real work-life balance even as a crazy busy, seriously ambitious mom.

I can’t wait to show you what it’s like to have more time, less stress, and boundaries you can count on. Head to for all the details! 

Real Work Life Balance for Busy Working Moms

Y’all, I am excited to share today’s episode with you.

My guest, Karin Freeland, is a wife, mom of two boys, and recovered corporate workaholic. After 15 years in high-pressure leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies, she’s reinvented her life. Karin is an author, speaker, and certified Life Reinvention Coach, focused on helping women transform their lives and achieve their dreams. Through her signature program EDIT Your Life™, she offers one-on-one coaching, giving women all the tools and techniques needed to conquer fears and find their purpose. 

Her new group coaching program, Success without Sacrifice helps women grow their career and create the balance they crave, so they never miss out on life again!

If sensitive ears are around, this is an episode for earbuds. I am happy to introduce you to Karin!

Life Work Harmony with Karin Freeland

Today we discuss…

  • Karin’s journey through corporate to reinvention
  • Working until past midnight, bragging about who works more, and having a phone glued to your hand
  • The realization that she was the reason things felt like they were failing
  • The end-of-life moment that rocked Karin’s world
  • Re-finding her memoir and using it as a springboard to her next life goal
  • The concept of life-work harmony whether you are a corporate mom or an entrepreneur
  • Small habits that lead to big change
  • Asking yourself what your life could look like
  • Determining if you are on a path that you want or if you are on a path someone else thinks is a good fit
  • Setting a regular journaling date with yourself
  • Knowing what you can control and focusing on that power
  • The importance of open communication in your family
  • Getting rid of the idea of a “perfect mom”
  • Setting a good example when we set clear boundaries

Are you interested in finding out more about Karin Freeland?

Karin Freeland on Instagram

Working Women Rocking Reinvention on Facebook

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