How to Get Over Imposter Syndrome and Find Success with Jean Tien

April 7, 2023

Have you ever thought people might think “how dare she?!” if you applied for a promotion, tried to hit a stretch health goal, took on a big project, or did something else completely outside of your comfort zone? What came up for you? Fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome? Our guest today is Jean Tien, speaker, award-winning author, and creator of The S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Method. She shares with us how to get over imposter syndrome and find success.

In today’s episode, we discuss…

  • What it means to do things the “right” way 
  • The distinct path of success based on our parent’s expectations
  • Jean’s experience with Asian immigrant parents and their expectation of success
  • Working hard doesn’t always equal success
  • What to do when things are no longer working
  • Looking for opportunities instead of asking for opportunities
  • Letting go of the need to be liked
  • The worker bee vs. the leader
  • How to get over imposter syndrome and find success
  • Questioning your confidence, skills, and expertise
  • Asking yourself some important (and honest) questions about what you think you are missing
  • The SUCCESS Method and how it allows us to step through imposter syndrome
  • Defining success for yourself
  • Realizing the success you have already had in life and allowing yourself to highlight it
  • Seeing yourself differently and then setting goals that align with this new vision

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Show Notes: How to Get Over Imposter Syndrome

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #115 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Do you believe work-life balance is simply not possible with the load you carry? 

I see you.

You are spending late nights and early mornings just trying to catch up. 

Your to-do list feels like it gets longer by the minute.

You have your laptop with you wherever you go. 

You constantly feel exhausted and drained even after the occasional good night’s sleep–if you can even squeeze in one.

You feel under pressure every day, even when you “should” be relaxing.

What if I told you there was a better way?

What if I told you that you didn’t have to choose home over work or trade one for the other?

What if there was a completely different way you could look at work-life balance that actually worked?

If you found yourself nodding along, I personally invite you to register for my free workshop where I unlock the secrets to help you achieve real work-life balance even as a crazy busy, seriously ambitious mom.

I can’t wait to show you what it’s like to have more time, less stress, and boundaries you can count on. Head to for all the details! 

Real Work Life Balance for Busy Working Moms

Have you ever thought people might think “how dare she?!” if you applied for a promotion, tried to hit a stretch health goal, took on a big project, or did something else completely outside of your comfort zone? What came up for you? Fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome?

Our guest today is Jean Tien, speaker, award-winning author, and creator of The S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Method. She is passionate about empowering and supporting other executive women who are ready to uplevel their success without the hustle and grind. With over 20 years of corporate experience, Jean has seen too many ambitious career moms struggle to succeed by working hard. This is what motivated her to create the S.U.C.C.E.S.S Method program, which is based on the theory that you can have it all. 

Jean is also the host of her own podcast, Being Unapologetically Authentic, where she explores the intersection of authenticity and success. When she’s not working, Jean loves to spend time in nature with her family.

I am so happy to introduce you to Jean!

How to Get Over Imposter Syndrome and Find Success with Jean Tien

Today we discuss…

  • What it means to do things the “right” way 
  • The distinct path of success based on our parent’s expectations
  • Jean’s experience with Asian immigrant parents and their expectation of success
  • Working hard doesn’t always equal success
  • What to do when things are no longer working
  • Looking for opportunities instead of asking for opportunities
  • Letting go of the need to be liked
  • The worker bee vs. the leader
  • How to get over imposter syndrome and find success
  • Questioning your confidence, skills, and expertise
  • Asking yourself some important (and honest) questions about what you think you are missing
  • The SUCCESS Method and how it allows us to step through imposter syndrome
  • Defining success for yourself
  • Realizing the success you have already had in life and allowing yourself to highlight it
  • Seeing yourself differently and then setting goals that align with this new vision

Are you interested in finding out more about Jean Tien?

Jean Tien on Instagram

Jean on LinkedIn 

How to Rethink Time Management: Grab Jean’s Free Tool

Jean Tien’s Website