Creating Confidence with Jenny Zook

May 12, 2022

How to build confidence that lasts? How can you make changes in your life to be more confident in all areas whether you want to be more confident at work, at home, as a mom, or literally everywhere?

As a teacher, turned mom of twins, who found herself a bit lost after becoming a mom, our guest today, Jenny Zook, went on a journey to rediscover herself through bringing confidence back into her life using wellness, fashion, and mindset as a vehicle to get there. 

In today’s podcast episode we discuss…

  • The questions Jenny asked herself when she realized that her confidence was shot and she felt lost
  • The confidence trifecta: How do you look, how do you feel, and how do you think?
  • How clothing can actually make you feel good….or NOT
  • Easy strategies to feel good in your body
  • Fueling your body for how you feel
  • How busy moms might not even realize how terrible they feel until they make a big change and realize how exhausted/burnt out/yucky they actually did feel
  • Surrounding yourself with content that increases confidence
  • Surrounding yourself with people that increase your confidence instead of tearing it down
  • Training your mind to be more confident

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Show Notes

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #68 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

This episode is sponsored by The Supermom Society, the only membership of its kind that combines productivity training–so you can do more in less time–with parenting training–so you can confidently be the mom you dream to be. I believe that an intentional plan, productivity strategy, and a little parenting magic will change your life. I believe it so much that I created The Supermom Society with moms just like you in mind. 

The Supermom Society is a private community for busy moms that want to do more in less time. Get strategies, community, clarity, and all the support you need to be a positive, present mom and a productive human in whatever life brings to the table. Each month you will walk away with a plan for your next month (and even next quarter and year), new time management and parenting skills, and all your questions answered from a group of moms who are ready to beat burnout and stay happy in the process.

I can’t wait to show you what it’s like to have more time, less stress, and a community to hold you up. Head to for all the details!

My guest today is Jenny Zook. As a teacher, turned mom of twins, who found herself a bit lost after becoming a mom, she went on a journey to rediscover herself through bringing confidence back into her life using wellness, fashion, and mindset as a vehicle to get there. 

I met Jenny in a mastermind and had the ultimate pleasure of meeting her in person at a retreat. She helped the women there choose clothes for their body, feel confident in their photoshoots, and teaches the internal and mindset that goes along with real confidence, too. Jenny wants to teach us how to build confidence from the ground up. 

She has a real passion to help busy women live a life where they embody the skin they are in, cultivate confidence with ease, and have a desire to do these things without feeling like it’s extra.  Jenny is the founder of the Confidence Collective and is in the process of launching a masterclass that teaches her signature method as a way to approach the three pillars that impact our confidence.

I am super excited to introduce you to Jenny Zook!

How to Build Confidence with Jenny Zook

How to Build Confidence with Jenny Zook

Today we discuss…

  • How it is SO easy to lose yourself in motherhood, especially when you first have babies
  • Where does confidence actually come from?
  • The questions Jenny asked herself when she realized that her confidence was shot and she felt lost
  • Jenny’s confidence trifecta: How do you look, how do you feel, and how do you think?
  • The power our outward appearance has on our internal emotions, whether we like it or not
  • How clothing can actually make you feel good….or NOT
  • Easy strategies to feel good in your body
  • How to build confidence by fueling your body for how you feel
  • The exhaustion Jenny felt when she was not eating food that make her feel good
  • How you can start small with more water or extra veggies
  • Small changes that can lead to big changes
  • How busy moms might not even realize how terrible they feel until they make a big change and realize how exhausted/burnt out/yucky they actually did feel
  • The ways that mindset impacts your confidence
  • Surrounding yourself with content that increases confidence
  • Jenny mention’s Holly Haynes and the Crush the Rush podcast
  • Surrounding yourself with people that increase your confidence instead of tearing it down
  • Training your mind to be more confident

Interested in finding out more about Jenny Zook? 

Jenny Zook on Instagram

The Confidence Collective Website

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