How Clutter Contributes to Stress with Brittany Dixon

November 10, 2022

Our guest today shares her best organizing tips for your life and business, knowing that clutter contributes to stress. As a business systems strategist and host of The Productivity Pod(cast), Brittany Dixon helps highly-driven visionary entrepreneurs implement day-to-day operations management, project management, systems and processes, and simple strategy to free up time to do big things in their own zone of genius. Whether she is teaching entrepreneurs simple strategies to reduce overwhelm in their business, Brittany leverages her super-organizer powers to grow businesses so they can scale and soar. When she’s not working with her clients or being active in her Productivity Pod community, she loves camping with her family and spending time with her husband and twin girls.

In today’s episode, we discuss…

  • Some big mistakes you might be making when starting a new business or new project
  • Why we over-research and over-download information, without actually taking action
  • The guilt we feel with productive procrastination
  • Fear of success when we try something new and big
  • The damage of always saying yes, especially when that means no to even more important things
  • Strategically using “oh crap” time, sometimes called buffer time
  • The energy it takes to remember all the things by keeping them in your brain instead of on paper or in a system
  • How to leverage technology to be a real supermom
  • The impact of clutter on stress levels
  • Specific organizing tips to manage clutter regularly
  • Setting routines with your children to prevent power struggles and friction
  • The benefits of a minimalism-ish lifestyle
  • Board games and how they can teach strategy to women in business (you definitely need to hear this!)
  • Creating your life and business roadmap

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Rather read? Check out the show notes and episode content right here!

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Show Notes: Organizing Tips

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #94 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Before we get started today, I want to make sure that you have seen my new free training for busy moms. Do you wish you could get more done in your day? Does your morning feel stressful instead of calm, happy and productive? In this brand new Master Your Morning Masterclass for Moms you will learn the #1 secret to a morning you love, why your morning isn’t working even though you are following all the “morning rules,” and the top three ways real moms make their morning madness minimal! Sign up at or the link in the show notes! And make sure to sign up so you get the limited-time replay if you can’t make it live!

Master Your Morning Routine Masterclass for Busy Moms

Our guest today shares her best organizing tips for your life and business, knowing that clutter contributes to stress. 

As a business systems strategist and host of The Productivity Pod(cast), Brittany Dixon helps highly-driven visionary entrepreneurs implement day-to-day operations management, project management, systems and processes, and simple strategy to free up time to do big things in their own zone of genius. Whether she is teaching entrepreneurs simple strategies to reduce overwhelm in their business, Brittany leverages her super-organizer powers to grow businesses so they can scale and soar. When she’s not working with her clients or being active in her Productivity Pod community, she loves camping with her family and spending time with her husband and twin girls.

I am excited to introduce you to Brittany!

How Clutter Contributes to Stress: Organizing Tips with Brittany Dixon

Today we discuss…

  • Some big mistakes you might be making when starting a new business or new project
  • Why we over-research and over-download information, without actually taking action
  • The guilt we feel with productive procrastination
  • Fear of success when we try something new and big
  • The damage of always saying yes, especially when that means no to even more important things
  • Strategically using “oh crap” time, sometimes called buffer time
  • The energy it takes to remember all the things by keeping them in your brain instead of on paper or in a system
  • How to leverage technology to be a real supermom
  • The impact of clutter on stress levels
  • Specific tricks to manage clutter regularly
  • Setting routines with your children to prevent power struggles and friction
  • The benefits of a minimalism-ish lifestyle
  • Board games and how they can teach strategy to women in business (you definitely need to hear this!)
  • Creating your life and business roadmap

Are you interested in finding out more about Brittany Dixon?

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