Getting to the Root of Stress and Overwhelm with Elizabeth Andreyevskiy

April 13, 2023

Are you a busy mom with way too much to do? Do stress and overwhelm creep in daily causing you to feel pressure, yell, or want to escape instead of feeling calm and at peace with your family? Our guest today, stress coach Elizabeth Andreyevskiy shares some tips on how to get to the bottom of this stress and overwhelm to choose the life you want to live.

In today’s episode, we discuss…

  • Changing the way you approach your children by changing the way you approach yourself
  • Taking care of your needs and stress levels in order to react in a way you want
  • Influencing your children with calm and peaceful energy
  • Being proactive with your own stress to prevent it from impacting the way you show up
  • Looking for the root of your overreaction
  • Emotional regulation in the face of unmet needs like hunger and lack of sleep
  • The thing you are avoiding might be the exact thing you need
  • Schedule boundaries and the impact of overcommitment
  • Taking an honest look at your life and evaluating the “too much”
  • Asking the question, “Is this supporting my family?” when looking at your schedule
  • The impact of mom on the mood and energy of the family
  • The feelings in your body when you realize something is not working
  • Determining what you need in order to get out of flight or flight mode

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Show Notes: Stress and Overwhelm

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #116 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Do you believe work-life balance is simply not possible with the load you carry? 

I see you.

You are spending late nights and early mornings just trying to catch up. 

Your to-do list feels like it gets longer by the minute.

You have your laptop with you wherever you go. 

You constantly feel exhausted and drained even after the occasional good night’s sleep–if you can even squeeze in one.

You feel under pressure every day, even when you “should” be relaxing.

What if I told you there was a better way?

What if I told you that you didn’t have to choose home over work or trade one for the other?

What if there was a completely different way you could look at work-life balance that actually worked?

If you found yourself nodding along, I personally invite you to register for my free workshop where I unlock the secrets to help you achieve real work-life balance even as a crazy busy, seriously ambitious mom.

I can’t wait to show you what it’s like to have more time, less stress, and boundaries you can count on. Head to for all the details! 

Real Work Life Balance for Busy Working Moms

Our guest today is stress coach for moms, Elizabeth Andreyevskiy.

She is the host of Emotionally Healthy Legacy podcast and a mom of 4. Elizabeth is super passionate about mental health and emotional wellness in motherhood. She helps overwhelmed moms reduce the mental stress so they can respond with patience and calm towards their kids. She teaches proactive ways to be less stressed, prioritizing moms needs without guilt and ways to regulate emotions when feeling triggered.

I am going to apologize in advance for a few spots where the audio wasn’t ideal, but we are going to go with it. I am excited to introduce you to Elizabeth!

Getting to the Root of Stress and Overwhelm with Elizabeth Andreyevskiy

Today we discuss…

  • Changing the way you approach your children by changing the way you approach yourself
  • Taking care of your needs and stress levels in order to react in a way you want
  • Influencing your children with calm and peaceful energy
  • Being proactive with your own stress to prevent it from impacting the way you show up
  • Looking for the root of your overreaction
  • Emotional regulation in the face of unmet needs like hunger and lack of sleep
  • The thing you are avoiding might be the exact thing you need
  • Schedule boundaries and the impact of overcommitment
  • Taking an honest look at your life and evaluating the “too much”
  • Asking the question, “Is this supporting my family?” when looking at your schedule
  • The impact of mom on the mood and energy of the family
  • The feelings in your body when you realize something is not working
  • Determining what you need in order to get out of flight or flight mode

Are you interested in finding out more about Elizabeth Andreyevskiy?

Emotionally Health Legacy

Elizabeth Andreyevskiy on Instagram

Get Elizabeth’s 5 Strategies to Reduce Overwhelm 

Emotionally Health Legacy Podcast