
Getting Back on Track (When Life Goes Haywire)

October 10, 2024

Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs, doesn’t it? Whether it’s a planned break, like a vacation, or something unexpected like illness, injury, or car trouble, our routines can quickly go out of whack. When that happens, how do you get back on track? Today, we’ll explore five practical tips to help you recover your habits and regain control when life goes haywire.

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Show Notes: Getting Back on Track

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #205 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

🎙️ Do you feel like you’re juggling a thousand things and still not getting it all done? You listen to podcast after podcast trying to find the best way, but it feels like you must be doing something wrong. If you could just find the perfect schedule or the perfect planner, you could unlock the secret. What if I told you that you can do it all, without actually doing it all?

Inside The Supermom Society–our private community designed just for busy moms like you–we get it. 

Every week, together, we help you create a plan that feels both productive and doable. Every month, we help you create a solid plan to boost your energy, sharpen your time management skills, and connect you with other moms who are ready to beat burnout for good.Being a mom is tough, but you don’t have to do it alone. Today is your day to join us in The Supermom Society! Visit www.thesupermomsociety.com for all the details. I can’t wait to see you inside!” 🎙️

Getting Back on Track When Life Goes Haywire with Lori Oberbroeckling

Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs, doesn’t it? Whether it’s a planned break, like a vacation, or something unexpected like illness, injury, or car trouble, our routines can quickly go out of whack. When that happens, how do you get back on track? Today, we’ll explore five practical tips to help you recover your habits and regain control when life goes haywire.

1. Stop Waiting for Monday

One of the most common traps we fall into is waiting for the “perfect” time to start fresh. Whether it’s after a holiday or just after a rough week, we tell ourselves, “I’ll start on Monday.” But here’s the truth: waiting for Monday won’t necessarily make things easier. In fact, it often leads to indulging in bad habits until then, making it even harder to get started.

The solution? Start now, not Monday. Even a small action, like going for a quick walk or prepping a healthy meal, will help you build momentum. Action breeds motivation, not the other way around. So don’t wait for the stars to align—start today, no matter how small the step.

2. Start Smaller Than You Think

When you’re trying to get back on track, it’s easy to think you need to dive back into your old routine full force. But that’s a recipe for overwhelm. Instead, start smaller than you think.

Maybe before your routine went off track, you were hitting the gym five days a week or following a strict meal plan. Trying to jump back into that might feel overwhelming, especially if you’ve been off for a while. Break your goals into tiny, manageable steps, like doing 10 minutes of exercise or prepping one healthy snack. The key is consistency, not intensity. Small wins add up over time.

3. Schedule Your Habits

If you want to turn your good intentions into lasting habits, scheduling is key. In The Supermom Society, we live by this. We schedule everything from weekly planning to workouts and meal prep. When life gets off track, the first thing you need to do is reintroduce those key habits by putting them on the calendar.

Start with the basics: your morning routine, workout, or even your evening wind-down time. When your habits are part of your schedule, they become non-negotiable and easier to stick with, even when life gets chaotic.

4. Surround Yourself with the Right People

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you want to get back on track, spend time with people who inspire and motivate you. In The Supermom Society, we always say, “Supermoms hang out with other Supermoms.” Surrounding yourself with people who are also committed to healthy, productive habits will make it easier for you to get back on track.

Accountability partners—whether it’s a friend, family member, or an online group—are a great way to stay motivated. Share your goals and progress with them to boost your chances of success.

5. Make It Easy

When life goes haywire, you don’t have to start everything from scratch. Focus on what you’ve already kept up with, no matter how small. Maybe you didn’t stop brushing your teeth or sticking to your skincare routine. Build on the habits you already have, using them as a foundation to stack new habits on top of.

For example, if you’ve kept up with your evening routine but your mornings are a mess, try adding a simple task like reviewing your schedule for the next day while you brush your teeth at night. The easier you make the transition back into your routine, the more likely you’ll stick with it.

Conclusion: Embrace the Imperfection

Life will always have its ups and downs, and your routine will inevitably be interrupted at times. The key is not to aim for perfection but to embrace the process of getting back on track. Whether it’s after a vacation, an illness, or a chaotic week, you can always bounce back.

So remember these five steps:

  • Stop waiting for Monday—start now.
  • Start small, and then go smaller.
  • Schedule your habits for success.
  • Surround yourself with people who support your goals.
  • Make it easy and build on the habits you’ve already kept up with.

By taking small, intentional steps today, you’ll be well on your way to feeling back in control—no matter what life throws at you.