Energy Bleeds, Blocks, and Boosts: Unlock Your Energy as a Busy Mom

November 7, 2024

In Episode 209 of The Secrets of Super Mom Show, host Lori Oberbrockling dives into the importance of managing your energy as a busy mom. She explains how our energy impacts our productivity, happiness, and ability to make decisions. Lori introduces three key concepts: energy bleeds, energy blocks, and energy boosts.

Lori explains that by recognizing which activities fall into these categories, you can plan your day to ensure a healthy balance of energy-draining tasks and energy-boosting activities. She encourages listeners to track their time to identify what’s draining and what’s energizing, helping them optimize their days for better productivity and happiness.

By strategically managing energy, moms can avoid burnout, increase productivity, and feel better about their daily routines. Lori wraps up by encouraging listeners to intentionally plan their week to balance energy boosts and bleeds, ensuring they conserve energy throughout the day.

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Show Notes: Managing Energy as a Busy Mom

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #209 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

🎙️ Do you feel like you’re juggling a thousand things and still not getting it all done? You listen to podcast after podcast trying to find the best way, but it feels like you must be doing something wrong. If you could just find the perfect schedule or the perfect planner, you could unlock the secret. What if I told you that you can do it all, without actually doing it all?

Inside The Supermom Society–our private community designed just for busy moms like you–we get it. 

Every week, together, we help you create a plan that feels both productive and doable. Every month, we help you create a solid plan to boost your energy, sharpen your time management skills, and connect you with other moms who are ready to beat burnout for good.

Being a mom is tough, but you don’t have to do it alone. Today is your day to join us in The Supermom Society! Visit for all the details. I can’t wait to see you inside!” 🎙

In Episode 209 of The Secrets of Super Mom Show, Lori Oberbrockling tackles one of the most important but often overlooked topics for busy moms—managing energy. As moms juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities, it’s easy to feel depleted and overwhelmed. Lori breaks down how to better understand and manage your energy so you can stay productive, avoid burnout, and ultimately feel happier every day.

Understanding Energy Bleeds, Blocks, and Boosts

Lori introduces three key concepts that will help you identify how your energy flows throughout the day: energy bleeds, energy blocks, and energy boosts.

  • Energy Bleeds are the activities that drain your energy, often even before you start. These can be things you dread doing, or tasks that demand so much focus and effort that they leave you exhausted once they’re completed. Energy bleeds don’t just deplete you physically; they can also feel mentally exhausting. These activities often trigger feelings of overwhelm and frustration.
  • Energy Blocks don’t drain you, but they also don’t energize you. These are the repetitive, mundane tasks that you have to do but don’t derive joy from. For example, household chores like folding laundry or managing the calendar can be energy blocks. They require time and attention but don’t leave you feeling recharged once completed.
  • Energy Boosts are the opposite—they are activities that leave you feeling energized, motivated, and happy. These can include personal time, activities that bring you joy, or even tasks that put you in a “flow” state where time flies by. Whether it’s a walk, a workout, or spending quality time with loved ones, energy boosts help recharge you and make everything feel easier.

The Impact of Energy on Productivity

Lori explains how crucial it is to be aware of your energy levels to improve your productivity and well-being. When our energy is low, we struggle with decision-making, often feeling overwhelmed by everything on our to-do lists. This can lead to procrastination and a lack of motivation, making even simple tasks seem insurmountable. On the other hand, when we have plenty of energy, we are more productive, focused, and happier. We can make clear decisions, prioritize our tasks, and handle the day with ease.

How to Track Your Energy

One of the best ways to understand your personal energy bleeds, blocks, and boosts is to track your time. Lori suggests using a time tracker to record what you’re doing every 15 minutes throughout your day. By doing this for a few days, you can begin to identify patterns: what tasks drain your energy and what activities give you a boost. You can also note things that neither drain nor energize you (the energy blocks).

Want to get that Master Your Time Toolkit (with that time tracker!) for FREE?? Head to and use special code SUPERMOM.

Tips for Managing Your Energy

  • Spread out your energy depleting tasks: Lori recommends not stacking energy drains on top of each other. Spread out those tasks over several days or even weeks, so you don’t have a whole day filled with things that drain you. This will help avoid feeling completely wiped out by the end of the day.
  • Incorporate energy boosts into energy depleting tasks: For example, if you dread folding laundry, try making it more enjoyable by listening to an audiobook or podcast. You could also make it a family activity or use that time as an opportunity to connect with your partner.
  • Delegate or eliminate tasks that drain you: Lori encourages listeners to think creatively about how to lighten their load. Is there a task you can delegate to someone else? Can you outsource it or trade tasks with someone? Some tasks don’t need to be done by you, and finding ways to eliminate or share these responsibilities can help you preserve your energy for more important or enjoyable things.

Planning Your Week with Energy in Mind

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is by planning your week around your energy needs. Lori suggests that, when planning your week, make sure to schedule energy boosts throughout the day and week. Think about how you can spread out your energy-draining tasks and how you can give yourself regular moments of replenishment.

By intentionally planning for energy management, you can ensure that you’re not just surviving each day, but thriving. Keeping an eye on your energy throughout the week can help you make smarter choices about how you spend your time, giving you the energy to tackle even the most demanding tasks.

Final Thoughts

Managing your energy is crucial for staying productive, happy, and avoiding burnout as a busy mom. By identifying your energy bleeds, blocks, and boosts, you can take steps to plan your day and week in a way that prioritizes your well-being. Whether it’s through tracking your time, adjusting your tasks, or incorporating energy-boosting activities, there are many ways to keep your energy levels up and avoid feeling drained. Remember, energy management is key to not just surviving, but thriving as a Super Mom!

Don’t forget to subscribe to The Secrets of Super Mom Show for more insights on how to beat burnout, manage your time, and feel happier every day!