Do You Need a Morning Routine?

November 25, 2020

The short answer is yes. The long answer is 1000 percent, without a doubt, yes.

Are you waking up with your kids, mama? Does your day start stressful and rushed? Are you feeling exhausted and ready to pull the covers back over your head? If you said, yes, you absolutely need a morning routine. When you wake up with your kids, you are already on the wrong side of your day. Yikes! You need a way to start your day that isn’t drowning in someone else’s needs and instead is focused on setting up yourself to own your day.

What exactly is a morning routine?

A morning routine is a set of activities you do every day in order to start your day strong. By repeating them regularly—daily—you set them up to become habits which make them easier to maintain.

There are plenty of books, blogs, and resources that teach you the exact morning routine you need to succeed. Follow this precise strategy, and you will be wildly successful! Do this exact thing, and you will have the perfect day!

I don’t actually think you need a specific formula at all.

I have things that work wildly well for me. They might work for you, too. But, maybe not. You might need something else.

What I do know is you must start your day before your kids, and you need to do something that will bring you a feeling of mental calm, a burst of physical energy, and a plan to make the day awesome.  Those three things will set you up to be on fire!

Before I tell you how I structure my morning—it is easy, I promise!—let’s talk about some things you might want to include in your routine. What would make a great start to your day?

  • Coffee and quiet time
  • A cup of tea
  • Breakfast before anyone else wakes up so you can eat in peace
  • Stretching or yoga
  • A workout or a run
  • Reading a book
  • Meditation
  • Review of your calendar or plan for the day
  • Prayer or reading your religious text of choice
  • Goal setting
  • Affirmations
  • Journaling or writing in general
  • Planning out your meals for the day
  • Planning your big task of the day
  • Practicing gratitude

It would take far too long to do all of these, but any number of these activities could set your day up to start with mental calm, bodily energy, and a plan for the day.

I would love to hear about your morning routine. Please do post it in the comments, especially if you have something you think I missed in the list above.

For me, I include coffee and quiet time, practicing gratitude, reviewing my goals and schedule for the day, and planning out my meals and exercise as my must haves. If I can add in something else, it is a bonus!

So, tell me, do you have a morning routine?