Change the World with Janice Lintz

January 13, 2022

Don’t Change Your Standards, Change the World with Janice Lintz

Do you accept the world the way it is or are you an agent for change? Do you change your standards or do you change the world?

Janice Lintz–an accomplished consultant/advocate across the hearing access, advocacy and related political spectrum–joins us on the podcast today. She shares her story of her daughter who was diagnosed as hearing impaired at the age of two. Instead of accepting what was currently available for her daughter, she changed the world to make it more accessible for ALL people with hearing loss. 

She is the CEO of Hearing Access & Innovations, which is the leading company dedicated to helping the world’s businesses, cultural and entertainment institutions, government agencies, and mass transit organizations improve their accessibility for people with hearing loss. She will graduate from Harvard’s Kennedy School in 2023.

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Show Notes: Change the World with Janice Lintz

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #47 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

I hope you are having the best year ever! If you are just jumping into the show for the first time, welcome! I want to make sure you know about a few exciting things happening with the podcast. In the last seven episodes before this one–yes, seven–we had a series on How to Plan Your Best Year Ever with a new guest every episode. It was unbelievable. So, if you are new and you missed it, I would love for you to go back and download those episodes for some amazing tips for your year. 

In addition to our amazing series, the doors to The Supermom System are officially open! The Supermom System is an 8-week mastermind for moms. Whether you want to feel more motivated and happy, need some inspiration to feel like your best self, wish life felt balanced and aligned instead of constantly battling time and mom guilt, wish you were a little less overwhelmed, or simply want to set some big goals and have the best year ever, this program is for you. And, you’ll be learning alongside other moms who want more too! You can get all the details at Enrollment ends January 16th and our first week kicks off on the 17th, so do not delay!

Today we jump back into our supermom guest episodes and joining us today is Janice Lintz. Janice is an accomplished consultant across the hearing access, advocacy and political spectrum. She shares her story of her daughter who was diagnosed as hearing impaired at the age of two. Instead of accepting what was currently available for her daughter, she changed the world to make it more accessible for ALL people with hearing loss. 

She is the CEO of Hearing Access & Innovations, which is the leading company dedicated to helping the world’s businesses, cultural and entertainment institutions, government agencies, and mass transit organizations improve their accessibility for people with hearing loss. 

I am excited to introduce you to Janice Lintz.

Today we discuss…

  • Janice’s experience of trauma when she received the news that her daughter was hard of hearing
  • How Janice shifted from accepting what was available to her daughter to becoming an advocate to change the world
  • Struggles Janice encountered along the way and pushback she experienced
  • Unique ways she used to get her message out
  • Tips from Janice on how to make sure you are prepared and heard if you are working to change the world in any way

Interested in finding out more about Janice? You can find her…

Janice Lintz Website

Hearing Access Website

Janice Lintz on LinkedIn

Change the World with Janice Lintz