
5 Productivity Hacks I Use Every Week as a Busy Working Mom

September 12, 2024

In Episode 201, we are talking all about 5 Productivity Hacks I Use Every Week as a Busy Working Mom, and trust me, these tips are game changers. In this episode, I’m sharing the five things I do every single week to keep my family organized, my career on track, and my sanity in check. From meal planning to weekly white space, these hacks will help you take control of your time and feel less overwhelmed, even when life gets crazy. So if you’re ready to stop feeling like life is running you, and start running life on your terms, these tips will change the way you look at your week!

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Show Notes: Productivity Hacks

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #201 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Before we kick off today’s episode, have you joined the challenge? Summer flew by, we are heading  into the final quarter of the year, work schedules are crazy, activities are in full swing, and those candy pumpkins are front and center at your favorite Target. The holidays are looming. 

Do you feel like you might have to throw in the towel on your biggest goals this year? What if instead of “there are only three months left” you thought “I still have three whole months, over 90 days, enough time to build a habit and then some!”

Because here is what I think. This will be the year you reach those goals and end your year fist pumping in the air. This will be the year you learn to stretch time so that you not only have time for the things you want to do, but the white space to know the difference, and even the extra time for all those holiday cookie parties. This challenge will help you get out of your own way to make those someday goals 2024 goals with a real plan. 

Join us for the How to Actually Hit Your 2024 Goals This Year 4-Day Challenge. Sign up at secretsofsupermom.com/goals!

5 Productivity Hacks I Use Every Week as a Busy Working Mom

Today, I’m going to share my favorite productivity hacks that I use every single week to keep my family organized, my career running smoothly, and my sanity intact. You can call them hacks, systems, or strategies, but these five things are what help me accomplish my goals while keeping life under control (well, most of the time). Ready to dive in?

1. Weekly Meal Planning

Let’s kick it off with meal planning. Every week, I sit down to map out all of our meals—breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and even snacks! Once I’ve planned our week, I know what nights are busy and which ones are slower, so I can decide what kind of meals will work best.

For example, if I know Wednesday is packed with after-school activities, I’ll plan something simple like a crockpot meal. If a night is less hectic, I might prep something that requires more time or get the kids involved in cooking.

One of the best things we ever did as a family was split the grocery responsibilities. I make the list, and my husband does the shopping. It saves me from running back and forth to the store (which I consider one of the biggest time-wasters). One trip a week, and we’re set!

2. Weekly White Space

If you’re not familiar with white space, let me explain. White space is the open time in your calendar that isn’t filled with work, chores, or activities. This time is sacred! It gives you the opportunity to pause and ask yourself, “What do I need right now?”

For me, I carve out this time once a week—usually on Friday evenings. After a long week, I’m often exhausted, so I use that time to relax, recharge, and do whatever feels good at that moment. Sometimes, it’s watching a movie with my family, reading a book, or even jumping in the pool with the kids. It’s my way of filling my cup so I can keep going strong.

3. The Family Calendar

Our family calendar is a game changer! We have a digital display in the kitchen that syncs with our electronic calendars, but you don’t need anything fancy. A simple whiteboard or a paper calendar on the fridge works just as well.

The key is that everyone in the family can see it—kids included! After my weekly planning session, I sit down with the family to review what’s coming up. We talk about who’s responsible for what, where we need to be, and if any extra help is needed (like when I’m out of town and someone else needs to pitch in). This simple system helps everyone stay on the same page, reducing the number of surprises and last-minute stress.

4. Downstairs Hacks: Backpack Hooks & Upstairs Baskets

These might be the simplest hacks, but they make a huge difference in our household. First, we have backpack hooks by the front door. Each child has their own hook, and backpacks go there every day. This keeps them off the floor and makes it easy for the kids to grab what they need in the morning.

Second, we have upstairs baskets. Each child has a small basket on the stairs where they can put things that need to go up to their rooms. Instead of running up and down the stairs a million times, they gather everything in their basket and take it all at once. It keeps our main floor tidy and makes cleanup a breeze!

5. Weekly Planning

This is my secret weapon. I never plan my days one at a time. Instead, I do weekly planning. On Sunday, I sit down and map out my entire week—everything from work meetings to family activities to personal goals. This way, I’m not wasting time every morning trying to figure out what needs to be done that day.

Weekly planning allows me to separate strategy from execution. When I know my plan for the week, all I have to do is execute. It saves me energy, decision-making power, and ensures I’m moving forward on all my goals without constantly shifting back and forth between planning and doing.

There you have it, five productivity hacks that keep me sane as a busy working mom. They may seem simple, but these strategies have made all the difference in helping me achieve my goals while balancing work, family, and everything in between.

If you have any questions about these hacks, feel free to reach out! I’d love to hear from you. And don’t forget—our next challenge starts on September 30th. Head to secretsofsupermom.com/goals to join us and make this year the one where you hit your biggest goals!