Releasing the Mother Load with Erica Djossa

May 3, 2024

Our guest today, Erica Djossa CEO and founder of Momwell, just released an amazing book called Releasing the Mother Load that we alllll need to read. 

Erica is a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health with over a decade of experience. As a mother of three rambunctious young boys, Erica understands first-hand the challenges of motherhood. 

Today we discuss… 

  • The deep end of motherhood and releasing the pressure
  • The invisible mother load that we all carry
  • What it means to be “intensive mothering” and the cost of this role
  • The daily feeling of failure we can feel as busy moms
  • Erica’s break-down turned break-through experience
  • Feeling like a “good mom” only if certain parameters are met
  • The endless filing cabinet of motherhood
  • Being ready to “release and redistribute” the mother load
  • Connecting your identity to tasks in your home
  • The impact of partnerships and relationships in the idea of being a good mom
  • The expert vs. novice dynamic that can happen with your partner
  • Knowing what is high stakes and low stakes for you personally

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Show Notes: Releasing the Mother Load

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to Episode #182 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! 

Are you a member of The Supermom Society? 

The Supermom Society is a private community for busy moms that want to do more in less time. Get strategies, community, clarity, and all the support you need to be a positive, present mom and a productive human in whatever life brings to the table. We plan live together every week and every month you will walk away with a plan for your next month (and even next quarter and year)! Need some new time management and parenting skills, and all your questions answered from a group of moms who are ready to beat burnout and stay happy in the process? We are ready and waiting for you!

If you are listening in real time, our best price ever offered is available only until May 7th and then goes away FOREVER! I can’t wait to show you what it’s like to have more time, less stress, and a community to hold you up. Head to for all the details! 

Our guest today, Erica Djossa CEO and founder of Momwell, just released an amazing book called Releasing the Mother Load that we alllll need to read. 

Erica is a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health with over a decade of experience. As a mother of three rambunctious young boys, Erica understands first-hand the challenges of motherhood. 

I ask her about the motherload, the feeling of failure as moms, and the impact of partners on this mother load…and I can’t wait for you to hear her perspective.

I am thrilled to introduce you to Erica Djossa.

Today we discuss… 

  • The deep end of motherhood and releasing the pressure
  • The invisible mother load that we all carry
  • What it means to be “intensive mothering” and the cost of this role
  • The daily feeling of failure we can feel as busy moms
  • Erica’s break-down turned break-through experience
  • Feeling like a “good mom” only if certain parameters are met
  • The endless filing cabinet of motherhood
  • Being ready to “release and redistribute” the mother load
  • Connecting your identity to tasks in your home
  • The impact of partnerships and relationships in the idea of being a good mom
  • The expert vs. novice dynamic that can happen with your partner
  • Knowing what is high stakes and low stakes for you personally

Are you interested in learning more about Erica Djossa?

About Our Guest: Erica Djossa

Erica Djossa is the CEO and founder of Momwell, and a registered psychotherapist specializing

in maternal mental health with over a decade of experience. As a mother of three rambunctious

young boys, Erica understands first-hand the challenges of motherhood. Perfectionism,

pressure, and loss of identity fueled her battle with postpartum depression, and she realized

how difficult it is to seek care. She founded Momwell to set a standard of care for providers and

ensure mom-centred specialized mental health support at any stage of motherhood. Erica has

been featured in media publications including Time Magazine, USA Today, The Toronto Star,

Breakfast Television, and Scary Mommy. For more, visit