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• QUIZ •

Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or out of balance?

let's find out your



take the quiz!

…want an amazing career and want to be an amazing mom without sacrificing either.

…feel overwhelmed with balancing work life, home life, and just life in general.

...want to be able to prioritize the most important things in your life.

...wish you could manage your time better to get more done and feel happier doing it.

…are losing confidence that you can have both a career and a family life you absolutely love.

…see other moms that seem like they have it all together while you feel like….a hot mess!

…know there has to be more to life, there has to be a better way!

You are in the right

place if you...

"Every mom needs this book!"

Are you tired, overwhelmed, and searching for the ever elusive "work life balance"? You want an extraordinary, fulfilling career, and you want to be an extraordinary present mom–without sacrificing either.

Did you snag the free workbook?

Take your reading to the next level with the free workbook. Every activity in the book is available in this free, printable PDF.



Hi, I’m Lori

I am a mom of four, author, photographer, and corporate working mom for a Fortune 600 company. I help moms who want to be extraordinary, present moms but also want an amazing career learn the skills and techniques to "do it all". [Spoiler alert...the most extraordinary working moms don't actually do it allit just seems like they do!]

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Over-stressed? Losing confidence? Feeling like a failure? Experiencing all the mom guilt? Do you want to be happy and fulfilled at both work and home? I can help.

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