
The Enemies of Productivity [Part 2]

April 9, 2022

Are you guilty of the problematic P’s?

In this extra special 4-part podcast series called The Enemies of Productivity, we are going to dig into the enemies that are actually getting in your way of being productive and how to conquer them! If you are not subscribed or following, make sure to do that on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss a single episode.

As a follow-up to Part 1 about Terrible Time Wasters, we are diving specifically into the problematic P’s: procrastination, perfectionism, and people-pleasing.

Procrastination, perfection, and people-pleasing are super common ways that moms get thrown off their game. Now, I have always known I was guilty of people-pleasing, but I didn’t think I let the other enemies take me down. As I have learned more, I realized that I am TOTALLY guilty of all three! And that is why I want to talk about these deeper because I wonder if YOU are letting these problematic P’s get in your way, too.

For the show notes and all the links mentioned in today’s episode, head to secretsofsupermom.com/61.

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How to Be More Productive | The Enemies of Productivity

Show Notes: Procrastination, Perfectionism and People-Pleasing

Hey, hey friend! Welcome to episode #61 of The Secrets of Supermom Show! I am super excited that you are back for our special series called “The Enemies of Productivity”. Today is Part 2 of the series, and each day we will be building on what we learned in the previous episode. If you missed Part 1, I recommend you head back and listen to Episode #60 and then come back for Part 2. 

Yesterday, in Part 1 we talked all about terrible time wasters. All those things that get in the way of really getting things done. For each of us, these are different. Some of us are totally guilty of scrolling on social media. Some of us are more a glass of wine on the couch with Netflix kind of time waster. Some of us say yes so much that we have no time for what is really important in our own lives. 

Today, we are going to dive a little bit deeper into three of the most common enemies of productivity: the problematic P’s. Can you guess what they are? 

Procrastination, perfection, and people-pleasing are super common ways that moms get thrown off their game. Now, I have always known I was guilty of people-pleasing, but I didn’t think I let the other enemies take me down. As I have learned more, I realized that I am TOTALLY guilty of all three! And that is why I want to talk about these deeper because I wonder if YOU are letting these problematic P’s get in your way, too.


Let’s start with people-pleasing, mostly because I think this one is the easiest to identify in yourself. 

Do you say yes when you really want to say no? Do you agree to do things so people won’t feel bad or be upset with you? Do you tend to think about other people’s needs before you think of your own? Do you say you’re sorry a lot? Do you feel responsible for other people’s feelings? If you found yourself nodding along, you might be a people pleaser.

As humans, most of us like to make other people happy. This isn’t bad in itself. The problem is when you start to put other people’s needs and feelings above your own.

So, why is it important when it comes to productivity? A lot of busy, high-performing, super-committed moms have schedules that are mind-boggling. They can’t be more productive because there is simply not one extra minute in the day. And sometimes… sometimes this is because they’re filling their plate with tasks and activities that meet other people’s needs instead of their own.

Consider that perhaps you can’t get more done because you put yourself at the bottom of the priority list.


Let’s talk next about procrastination. So, I legitimately believed I did not procrastinate. I have a full schedule, I get a ton done. I don’t make excuses. I am never late for a deadline. High performers out there, I know you are feeling me on this.

Then, I started learning more about procrastination. I started listening to more podcasts and reading more books.

When I have a task that I don’t know how to start, a task that I might be nervous about for my business, a task that I know it will require a lot of concentration or brain power… My house is the cleanest it’s ever been. 100% of my emails are checked. Every easy item on my list is done.

You might’ve heard it called “productive procrastination”. And I am definitely guilty. I might be productive but with none of the right things. And if the right things aren’t getting done, simply doing more doesn’t really matter.

I want you to think about if you might be guilty of either procrastination in a typical way or by busily doing all the things except for the most important thing.


Finally, let’s talk about perfectionism. I thought, “I’m never perfect so there’s no way I could be a perfectionist.” Wrong again, wrong again.

Perfectionism isn’t about being perfect, it’s about thinking you can always be better, always have fewer flaws, that you are never quite good enough. It is painful. It’s self-deprecating. It is stalling. And it is just so common. 

Do you focus more on your imperfections than your celebrations? Can you find the flaws in everything you do? Do you wait to finish a task or put something in the world or turn something in because you feel like it could be just a little bit better? Are you consistently critical of your work? Again, if you feel yourself nodding along you just might be a perfectionist.

The problematic Ps get in the way of productivity. People-pleasing helps you put other people’s priorities over your own so you aren’t getting the right things done. Procrastination delays your momentum or pulls you away from the most important things. And perfectionism means that everything takes longer because you feel it is never quite right. Overcoming the problematic Ps will help you get more of the right things done at the right time in the right way.

Tomorrow, I will be back for another episode to help you figure out where your time is actually going. Do you go to bed at night and think, “What did I even get done today?” Do you ever think, “Did I even do one thing on my list?” If yes, this episode is specially made just for you.

How to Be More Productive Every Day: Special Masterclass

And if you want to really get more done in your day and feel your most productive, I invite you to join us for a special masterclass just for the busiest moms. While others might simply learn to recognize the enemies of their productivity, you want to learn how to destroy them once and for all. You want to conquer those enemies and thrive every single day.

How to Be More Productive | The Enemies of Productivity

Join us for my newest masterclass called “How to Be Productive Every Day” at secretsofsupermom.com/lesstime. In this masterclass, you’ll learn the number one mistake keeping you from getting more done and reaching your big goals, how to identify your personal enemies of productivity and actually destroy them, and ten productivity hacks you can use today to find an hour in your day to use as you please. I think we can all feel good about that!

This masterclass is full of real examples from real moms and easy step-by-step processes you can try right away. Head to secretsofsupermom.com/lesstime to sign up and get ready to conquer those enemies once and for all!